It is vital to ensure Director and Secretary changes are prepared and filed correctly. The Companies Acts impose responsabilities on the Company Directors and Compaany Secretary so it is vital these are kept up to date at all times. Use our company secretarial experts to ensure the process is done quickly and correctly for the total cost of €85 plus VAT.
Having this completed professionally by ourselves can save expensive time and money and can ensure the company is compliant with the Companies Acts.
Please call us +353 (045)254212 and we can arrange your Changes in Directors or Secretary Details for you.
Companies Formation was set up in 2016, To facilitate companies who want to incorporate in Ireland and move their operations to Ireland. Since setting up Irish New Company have incorporated thousands of companies for both foreign Directors, and for local Directors.
Unit F13, Maynooth Business Campus Maynooth Co. Kildare W23 Y5N7